A brief walkthrough
Diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine
Diagnostic nuclear medicine
Diagnostic nuclear medicine is a type of molecular imaging that uses very small amounts of radioisotopes attached to a targeting molecule, together called a radiopharmaceutical, to image the body. Radiopharmaceuticals are able to show physiological functions inside the body, not just the anatomy. Such insights can assist physicians to personalize patient management and care.
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Therapeutic nuclear medicine
Therapeutic nuclear medicine, also known as theranostics, combines tumor-targeting molecules with a therapeutic dose of radiation. This combination is able to selectively target cells associated with disease whilst delivering a therapeutic dose of radiation to kill tumor cells specifically.
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Improved coronary visualization with
Cardiac PET
We have a long and proven track record in driving the cardiac PET imaging agenda. Since the late 1980s, we’ve invested heavily through research, innovation, and clinical testing – we were the first to put significant investment into cardiac PET myocardial perfusion imaging, or MPI, also known as nuclear stress tests – and we’ll never stop advancing our technology and services to supply the market with only the best solutions. You might say we’ve set our hearts on it.
Want to learn all about our cardiac PET values and resources?
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