An essential component for successful Virtual Colonoscopy
PROTOCO2L TouchTM is a unique system that fully automates the insufflation process, freeing staff for other duties. Since CO2 is rapidly absorbed, insufflation with CO2 results in improved patient comfort after the procedure.

Regulated pressure gradually distends the colon, and maintains that distention for the duration of the study
- Automated insufflation with CO2 results in more consistent distention and less variability from user to user8
- As compared with manual room air insufflation, automated insufflation with CO2 provides improved colonic distention, as demonstrated in two clinical trials4,8
- Volume display allows the monitoring and recording of the volume of CO2 used, unlike room air insufflation in which the amount of air introduced is not monitored
- Regulated pressure avoids pressure spikes and minimizes the level of patient discomfort often experienced with hand insufflation5
Comfortable & Safe
Automatic distension with CO2 is the method of choice, to optimize colonic distension and to maximize patient comfort9
- Rapid absorption of CO2 results in improved comfort after the procedure, as compared with room air insufflation3,4,5
- Automated low-pressure insufflation may reduce colonic spasm as compared with manual methods, particularly in segments with advanced diverticular disease5
- Automated insufflation combined with pressure relief valves and automatic flow stop features help protect against over-insufflation, thereby supporting and improving patient safety
- Over-pressure alarms and safety shutdown features further support patient safety
Automated insufflation may decrease the demands on staff time, particularly during the insufflation process3
- Automatically replaces gas lost during the procedure
- Visual displays allow for quick reference of pressure and volume, and alerts the operator when the CO2 cylinder is low
- Adjustable pressure up to 35 mmHg allows for user control when necessary
New and improved PROTOCO2L Touch offers the same reliable features you've come to expect, but now with additional benefits to further simplify and streamline the procedure.
Insufflation System CO2 Supply Features

- PROTOCO2L Touch has an easy-to-use, intuitive inter-face Backlit color LCD touch screen provides health care professionals with a user-friendly interface
- PROTOCO2L Touch has a main menu linking the user to fully customizable settings, which include volume pause, a possibility to change the gas source, language selector, a ready-to-scan feature, and first and final pressure input Ready-to-Scan feature, and first and final pressure input

- The new software interface enables users to determine when colon insufflation is complete
- Proprietary software takes pressure and volume into account to trigger the ready-to-scan feature
- The ready-to-scan feature reduces the likelihood of a poor-quality scan, by alerting the user to the optimal time to start the scan
- The ready-to-scan feature increases the likelihood of get-ting an optimal scan at the first attempt
- PROTOCO2L Touch identifies the steady-state pressure and the point at which optimal colonic distention should most likely be achieved Pressure Vent

- The new user-activated pressure vent allows users to eliminate pressure with-in the administration set and the colon
- The venting system now offers a one-touch solution to immediately relieve intracolonic pressure thereby reducing patient discomfort

- An improved gas gauge featuring a 3-color icon lets the user know when the gas cylinders are run-ning low and need replacing: Green (full), Yellow (running low), Red (empty)
- The new gauge both visually and audibly alerts the user when the gas supply is low
- The new PROTOCO2L Touch now offers the possibility to attach a CO2 central supply source in addition to a conventional CO2 cylinder

Customizable language options allow the user to choose among the follow-ing languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Turkish, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Korean, Japanese

- An in-line fluid trap captures colon effluent and removes it from the "path" of the CO2 for proper insufflation
- A hydrophobic filter helps to protect the PROTOCO2L Touch Insufflator from cross contamination
- Simple connection and detachment from PROTOCO2L Touch Insufflator
1) The National CT Colonography Trial: assessment of accuracy in participants 65 years of age and older.
Johnson CD, Herman BA, Chen MH, Toledano AY, Heiken JP, Dachman AH, Kuo MD, Menias CO, Siewert B, Cheema JI, Obregon R, Fidler JL, Zimmerman P, Horton KM, Coakley KJ, Iyer RB, Hara AK, Halvorsen RA Jr, Casola G, Yee J, Blevins M, Burgart LJ, Limburg PJ, Gatsonis CA. Radiology. 2012 May;263(2):401-8. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
2) Screening and surveillance for the early detection of colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyps, 2008: a joint guideline from the American Cancer Society, the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer, and the American College of Radiology.
Levin B, Lieberman DA, McFarland B, Andrews KS, Brooks D, Bond J, Dash C, Giardiello FM, Glick S, Johnson D, Johnson CD, Levin TR, Pickhardt PJ, Rex DK, Smith RA, Thorson A, Winawer SJ; American Cancer Society Colorectal Cancer Advisory Group; US Multi-Society Task Force; American College of Radiology Colon Cancer Committee.Gastroenterology. 2008 May;134(5):1570-95. Epub 2008 Feb 8. Review.
3) Advice for optimizing colonic distention and minimizing risk of perforation during CT colonography.Dachman AH.
Radiology. 2006 May;239(2):317-21. No abstract available.
4) Automated insufflation of carbon dioxide for MDCT colonography: distension and patient experience compared with manual insufflation.
Burling D, Taylor SA, Halligan S, Gartner L, Paliwalla M, Peiris C, Singh L, Bassett P, Bartram C.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Jan;186(1):96-103.
5) Screening CT colonography: how I do it.
Pickhardt PJ.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007 Aug;189(2):290-8.
6) Incidence of colonic perforation at CT colonography: review of existing data and implications for screening of asymptomatic adults.
Pickhardt PJ.Radiology. 2006 May;239(2):313-6. Review. No abstract available.
7) Minimizing postcolonoscopy abdominal pain by using CO(2) insufflation: a prospective, randomized, double blind, controlled trial evaluating a new commercially available CO(2) delivery system.
Sumanac K, Zealley I, Fox BM, Rawlinson J, Salena B, Marshall JK, Stevenson GW, Hunt RH.Gastrointest Endosc. 2002 Aug;56(2):190-4.
8) Patient-controlled room air insufflation versus automated carbon dioxide delivery for CT colonography.
Shinners TJ, Pickhardt PJ, Taylor AJ, Jones DA, Olsen CH.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Jun;186(6):1491-6.
9) Neri E., et al. Eur Radiol 2012 on-line.
10) Courtesy of Dr. Perry J. Pickhardt, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
How to use it - Download manuel | 10/10/2022 | Download |
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The PROTOCO2L Touch™ Colon Insufflator administers and regulates carbon dioxide as a distention media to the colon during CT Colonography (CTC or Virtual Colonoscopy) and conventional Colonoscopy.
The PROTOCO2L Touch™ Colon Insufflator should be used only when colon insufflation is indicated, and should therefore not be used for any other treatments. It should only be used under the direct guidance of a physician experienced in colon insufflation.
This device is contraindicated for hysteroscopic insufflation, i.e., it must not be used for intrauterine distention.
This product should not be used in patients with known or suspected colonic perforation or toxic megacolon. It should not be used within 6 days of large forceps or "hot" biopsy, or snare polypectomy.
Do not use this product in a colostomy stoma.
Do not use this product following recent rectal surgery or low rectal anastomosis, or when proctitis or other rectal conditions such as inflammatory or neoplastic diseases are suspected.