Privacy Policy



Bracco S.p.A. ("Bracco") is one of the world's leading companies in the diagnostic imaging business. It operates in more than 100 different countries, both directly and indirectly, through subsidiaries/branches, joint ventures, licensing agreements and distribution agreements. This web site – property of Bracco – contains information directly relating to Bracco Imaging s.p.a. and additional information about the other Bracco Group companies.

The scope of this Policy is to describe how this web site operates in terms of processing the personal data of users/visitors that consult it.

In line with applicable privacy protection legislation, Bracco intends to guarantee the privacy and personal data security of each visitor, also in relation to accesses made from abroad, in accordance with the terms of this policy and the Data Protection Policy adopted by the Group.
Unless otherwise specified, this Policy is also intended as an information notice for those interacting with the services offered by the web site.

Detailed information notices on personal data processing is provided, where necessary, on the pages relating to the individual services available. These information notices are aimed at defining limits on and the methods of data processing for each service, on the basis of which the visitor may freely give their consent and, possibly, authorise the gathering of data and its subsequent utilisation.

We note that this Privacy Policy does not cover other web sites that may be consulted by the user by Internet links.





The Data Controller is BraccoS.p.A., a company with its registered office in Via Egidio Folli, 50 - 20134 Milan (Italy).

Personal data may be processed by internal and external persons appointed as Data Processors and by Persons in charge of processing for the service requested.

Contact of Bracco Data Protection Officer: e-mail:





This web site offers informative and interactive content. During navigation of the site, information about the visitor may be acquired, as follows:

  • Navigation data
    In the course of their normal operations, the information systems and software procedures used to make this site function acquire certain personal data whose transmission is implicit when using Internet communication protocols.
    Such data includes: IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and the address of web sites from/to which access/exit was made, information about the pages visited by users within the site, the time of access, how long was spent on each page, an analysis of the internal path and other parameters relating to the operating system and IT environment of the user. Such technical/IT data is gathered and utilised exclusively on an aggregate and anonymous basis and may be utilised to determine responsibility in case of alleged IT/electronic offences causing damage to the site.
  • Data provided voluntarily by the visitor
    Data provided voluntarily and freely by the visitor on the site in order to access and/or request a determinate service.
    In all cases, before proceeding to activate a service, an appropriate information notice will be provided and, where necessary, consent to personal data processing acquired using the opt-in and/or opt out techniques provided for by applicable privacy legislation.
    Freely given consent may be withdrawn at any time though it will no longer be possible to utilise the service in question.





Personal data processing takes place mainly utilising procedures and electronic support for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data was collected and, in any case, in compliance with applicable regulatory/legislative requirements.





  • Cookies
    Cookies are information packages sent by a web server (e.g. the site) to the user's Internet browser, automatically saved by the browser on the computer and automatically sent back to the server on every subsequent visit to the site.
    The default settings of almost all web browsers will automatically accept cookies.
    The web site does not use cookies to send personal information.
    The use of session cookies (that are not memorized on a lasting basis on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification data needed to enable the site to be explored securely and efficiently.
    The session cookies used on this site avoid using other information techniques that could potentially put at risk the confidentiality of user browsing. Also, they do not permit the acquisition of the user's personal identification data.
    This site also uses persistent cookies i.e. cookies that are memorized on the hard disk of the computer until they expire or are deleted by the user/visitor. Deletion of these cookies does not preclude use of the sites and/or applications indicated above.
    Persistent cookies make it possible automatically to recognize users/visitors to the site (or other users making use of the same computer) every time the visit the site.
    Users/Visitors can set the browser on their computer to accept/refuse all cookies or to show a warning every time a cookie attempts to download, in order to decide whether to accept it or not. The user can adjust the pre-set configuration and cookies can be disabled (i.e. blocked once and for all) by selecting the highest level of protection.


For all other information about the characteristics, type, methods of use and possibility of removal, deletion and disabling of cookies present on the web site, reference should be made to the specific Cookie Policy.





Social plug-ins are special tools that make it possible to incorporate Social Network functions directly within the Web site (e.g. the "Like" function on Facebook).

All the social plug-ins presented on the site are indicated by the respective social network logo. When a user visits a page on our site and interacts with a plug-in (e.g. by clicking the "Like" button) or decides to leave a comment, the corresponding information is sent by the browser directly to the social network platform (in this case, Facebook) and memorised by it.

For information on the purpose, type and method of personal data collection, processing, utilisation and storage by the social network platform and for details of how to exercise your rights, please consult the privacy policy of the social network.

At this moment no social plug-in are present in this web site.





From our web site, links can be used to go to other web sites. You may also be directed to our web site by third parties.

The Data Controller declines all responsibility for any requests for and/or granting of personal data to third party web sites and in relation to management of the authentication credentials issued by third party entities.





"Data subjects" i.e. the persons/subjects to whom the personal data processed via this web site relates. Have the right to exercise their rights in the manner and subject to the limits laid down by the privacy legislation applicable, as indicated under point 1. above.

In order to exercise those rights, obtain an up-to-date list of Data Processors (where designated) report any problems or request clarification about the processing of your personal data, please send your requests via e-mail to the following e-mail:





This Policy regulates the methods of processing personal data supplied by visitors when navigating the web site. The introduction of any new regulations in the sector, like the constant review and updating of user services, may result in the need to change these methods. It is, therefore, possible that our policy will be amended over time and, therefore, we invite visitors to consult this page periodically. This Privacy Policy is updated as of May 2018.