Pillar 1: People
The People Pillar expresses our commitment to patients, healthcare providers, employees and the communities in which we operate.
Always committed to enhancing people and protecting their individuality inside and outside the company, we have set ourselves challenging objectives to safeguard and promote diversity, gender and age inclusion. We are committed to increasing the number of women in executive positions within the company, for example, through international training and mentoring projects.

Pillar 2: Innovation
This Pillar is all about constant innovation; about high-quality products and services that improve people’s lives and patient safety, and about innovative educational initiatives to promote STEM subjects among young people.
At Bracco we have been promoting innovation in the field of Life Sciences for years. Collaboration and sharing of know-how are essential to allow the healthcare sector to grow and positively impact society for the benefit of the health community and the broader social community, which is why we are committed to training new biomedical researchers and to promoting equal access to STEM subjects.

Pillar 3: Planet
Our Planet Pillar embodies our respect for and protection of natural resources, with specific emphasis on the circular economy and achieving a net zero status.
At Bracco we are fully embracing sustainable transformation by investing in the best technologies available. We’re making energy use more efficient, reducing emissions and waste generation, promoting opportunities for the circular economy, and entrenching sustainable and responsible practices along the entire value chain. What is more, we are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030; an ambition we’ll realise by investing in self production from renewable sources (e.g. photovoltaic systems), migration to green sources (e.g. biomethane, hydrogen) and full acquisition of energy from renewable sources.