Cathena has ended: a customised nanomedicine project

A new customised nanomedicine project to fight cancer, a new therapy that includes pre-treating cancer patients with drugs already on the market, using imaging systems in the analysis and develop. An advanced nanoscopy method for diseased tissue sections that is able to detect any morphological and optical variations in a tumour before and after a drug treatment. These are the two primary goals of CATHENA (CAncer THErapy by Nanomedicine).
CATHENA project has been run as a collaboration between Bracco Imaging (lead partner), A.P.E. Research Srl, University of Trieste and Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) with the coordination of Area Science Park.
The results from CATHENA were presented at the project's concluding event introduced by Dr. Roberta Fretta, Bracco ResearchCenter Director, Bracco Imaging, and which was attended by Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzán (CIC biomaGUNE, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain), a global expert in colloidal nanoplasmonics for biomedical applications, and Dr. Claudia Cabella (Bio-Imaging R&D Manager, Bracco Imaging), an expert in preclinical studies using magnetic resonance imaging and developing nanosystems for cardiovascular disease imaging and treatment.