Select the topic of your request by clicking on one of the options in the bar below
- Global (English)
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- Canada (Français)
- China (中文)
- Czech Republic (English)
- Denmark (English)
- Finland (English)
- France (Français)
- Germany (Deutsch)
- Japan (日本語)
- Iceland (English)
- Italy (Italiano)
- Luxembourg (English)
- Mexico (English)
- Norway (English)
- Poland (English)
- Slovakia (English)
- South Korea (한국어)
- Sweden (English)
- Switzerland (English)
- The Netherlands (English)
- UK (English)
- USA (English)
- Other
- No results
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Gastromiro
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- Jopamiro
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Acist CVi
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- MustKit CT
- Protocolo2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protocolo2l Touch
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iopamiron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Empower CTA
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Choletec
- E-Z-HD
- E-Z-Paque
- Gastrografin
- Isovue
- Kinevac
- Liquid Polibar Plus
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Varibar
- Acist CVi
- CT Exprès 3D
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Choletec
- E-Z-HD
- E-Z-Paque
- Gastrografin
- Isovue
- Kinevac
- Liquid Polibar Plus
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Varibar
- Acist CVi
- CT Exprès 3D
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iopamiro
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Acist CVi
- Empower CTA
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- VueBox
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron 400
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Vueway
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Cardiogen-82
- Iomeron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Acist CVi
- Acist HDi
- Acist RXi
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Acist CVi
- Acist HDi
- Acist RXi
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Cardiogen-82
- Iomeron
- Iopamiron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Vueway
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Nexo
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Cardiology
- Interventional Cardiology
- Imeron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- Solutrast (Iopamidol)
- SonoVue
- Vueway gadopiclenol
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Nexo
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Interventional Cardiology
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Interventional Cardiology
- Acist CVi
- Acist HDi
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Cardiogen
- Gastromiro
- Iomeron
- Iopamiro
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- Prontobario hd
- Prontobario colon
- SonoVue
- Vueway
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Bario TC
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- Iopamiro
- MultiHance
- Prohance
- Radiologia Fluoroscopia
- SonoVue
- Sulfato de bario
- Accessorios Bario
- EmpowerCTA
- EmpowerMR
- MustKit MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iomeron 400
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- SonoVue
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Cardiogen-82
- Iomeron
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Acist CVi
- Acist HDi
- Acist RXi
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Iopamiro
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- EmpowerMR
- MustKit CT
- Protoco2l Touch
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Barium ct
- Barium fluoroscopy
- Iomeron
- iomeron 400
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- SonoVue
- Barium accessories
- CT Exprès
- Empower CTA+
- Empower MR
- Gastrointestinal
- VueBox
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Iomeron
- Gastromiro
- ProHance
- Empower CTA+
- Protoco2l Touch
- X-Ray/CT
- Ultrasound
- Nuclear Medicine
- Cardiology
- Cardiogen-82
- Choletec
- Cystografin
- Cystografin Dilute
- E-Z-HD
- E-Z-Paque
- Entero WU
- Gastrografin
- HeartSee
- Isovue
- Isovue M 200/300
- Kinevac
- Liquid E-Z-Paque
- Lumason
- MultiHance
- ProHance
- Readi Cat 2
- Readi Cat 2 Smoothie
- Tagitol V
- Varibar
- Vueway (gadopiclenol)
- Empower CTA+
- EmpowerMR
- Nexo
- Protoco2l Touch
Do you have to report an adverse reaction related to a Bracco product? We recommend you submitting your report through the Pharmacovigilance Service.
Pharmacovigilance guarantees, monitors and ensures the safety of drugs by collecting and evaluating information about potential adverse reactions. To find the appropriate contact details and reporting procedures specific to your country, please select your country from the dropdown menu below.
- Global (English)
- Austria (English)
- Belgium (English)
- Brazil (Português)
- Canada (English)
- Canada (Français)
- China (中文)
- Czech Republic (English)
- Denmark (English)
- Finland (English)
- France (Français)
- Germany (Deutsch)
- Japan (日本語)
- Iceland (English)
- Italy (Italiano)
- Luxembourg (English)
- Mexico (English)
- Norway (English)
- Poland (English)
- Slovakia (English)
- South Korea (한국어)
- Sweden (English)
- Switzerland (English)
- The Netherlands (English)
- UK (English)
- USA (English)
- Other
Should you wish to inquire about career opportunities at Bracco, we encourage you to submit your request through the appropriate channels. Bracco is dedicated to providing a supportive and dynamic work environment.
To find the relevant contact details and procedures specific to you, please select your country and 'Contact Us' from the dropdown menus below.
- Global (English)
- Austria (English)
- Belgium (English)
- Brazil (Português)
- Canada (English)
- Canada (Français)
- China (中文)
- Czech Republic (English)
- Denmark (English)
- Finland (English)
- France (Français)
- Germany (Deutsch)
- Japan (日本語)
- Iceland (English)
- Italy (Italiano)
- Luxembourg (English)
- Mexico (English)
- Norway (English)
- Poland (English)
- Slovakia (English)
- South Korea (한국어)
- Sweden (English)
- Switzerland (English)
- The Netherlands (English)
- UK (English)
- USA (English)
- Other
Medical Services
If you wish to report adverse reactions related to the use of Bracco drugs, we kindly ask you to contact us through E-mail or telephone.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +46 31 760 18 80
The following information is kindly requested:
- An identifiable patient (with at least any of the following information: Gender, Age, Date of Birth or Initials)
- An identifiable reporting source (reporter)
- An event (an undesirable effect)
- The name of the suspected Bracco product and batch number
If you wish to report a complaint related to a Bracco product, we kindly ask you to contact us through E-mail or telephone. All complaints received are investigated and a reply provided.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +46 31 760 18 80
The following information is kindly requested:
The name of the product and batch number, if available.
A description of the complaint
The reporting source (medical doctor, hospital etc.)
If you wish to report an unwanted incident related to the use of Bracco medical devices, we kindly ask you to contact us through E-mail or telephone.
E-post: [email protected]
Tel: +46 31 760 18 80
The following information is kindly requested:
- Date when the incident occurred
- Information about the hospital/healthcare facility where the incident occured
- Information about the reporter
- Information about the patient
- A description of the event
- Indication/use of the medical device
- Outcome
- Product information including batch number