Bracco code of ethics

How we act
Our Code of Ethics

The Bracco Group Code of Ethics paper sets forth guiding principles, duties, and responsibilities for all Bracco personnel. It is our “real-world” compass that defines and explains rules of behavior when making decisions that potentially have ethical implications. Whether communicating externally or internally, we want to ensure that what is being said and how it is being said reflects the values at the heart of Bracco.

Get it here

How we ensure
The highest of quality

Bracco is committed to providing safe, reliable, effective products and services for Patients and Customers through Quality excellence. The Quality organization has the appropriate level of independence and authority to act using the highest quality standards and promoting the quality culture company-wide. 


The Quality Management System is designed to exceed compliance requirements, to support, measure, and continuously improve Processes and activities with ethics and integrity.  Each Bracco employee owns Quality and is responsible for his/her Objectives and related metrics which are constantly monitored and shared.

Access Quality Policies
bracco fondazione
The initiatives of
The Bracco Foundation


The Bracco Foundation, led by President Diana Bracco, was born in 2010 from the rich heritage and values that have matured over the Bracco Family and Group’s 95 year history. The Foundation aims to create and disseminate expressions of culture, art and science to improve the quality of life and social cohesion with a specific focus on female empowerment and the world of youth.

Learn more

Procedures and guidelines for

브라코 그룹은 직원과 제3자에게 정확성, 윤리성, 투명성에 가치를 둔 환경을 보장하기 위해 항상 최선을 다해 왔습니다.
해당 법의 발전이라는 대표적 기회를 활용하여 내부 고발 정책이 업데이트되고 새로운 웹 플랫폼이 정의되었습니다:
Bracco Speak Up Hotline (브라코 스피크 업 핫 라인은)


내부 고발 정책 – 브라코 그룹 - 발췌