A better world
At Bracco, we fully embrace sustainable transformation by investing in the best available technologies. We are promoting new opportunities for the circular economy and strengthening responsible practices throughout the entire value chain. We are making energy use more efficient and reducing emissions and waste. We are also committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

Our Values, our behaviours
Values in Bracco are more than just design. They are meant to be embedded in all our processes, truly lived and felt. Launched in 2021, Bracco Values’ communication campaign was shared across the global company and translated into more than 10 languages, spanning over 12 months.
Values are broad concepts that guide our actions, both as a group and as individuals. To put broad concepts like Values into effect, a set of eight Behaviours were designed, connecting the dots from Values to our daily activities. At the centre, People: our core value as well as the main reason why our company exists – and our main Purpose.
Values and Behaviours are also the first steps on a roadmap aimed at the development and transformation of the main processes in the field of human resources, focusing on training, development, and change projects. We have called it the Bracco People Way.
Curious to learn more about the first results of this roadmap?
Let's tell you what our Purpose means to us